Lab 027 How to configure IPv4 Network & Host Route

Configure and verify IPv4 network and host routes, interpret routing tables, and troubleshoot using Cisco IOS commands for accurate route setup.

CCNA 200-301 Chapter 3 IP Connectivity Lab 027 Configure & verify IPv4 Network & Host Route

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Lab Objective:

The primary objective of this lab is to learn how to configure and verify IPv4 network and host routes on Cisco routers. Specifically, you will:

– Configure static network routes to enable communication between different subnets.

– Configure static host routes to direct traffic to a specific host.

– Verify the configured routes using various Cisco IOS commands. – Understand and interpret the routing table to troubleshoot and ensure correct route configuration.

Lab Topology:

CCNA 200-301 Lab Chapter 3 IP Connectivity Lab 027 IPv4 Network & Host Route Config & verify – Topology

Equipment Required:

  • 3x Cisco Router (e.g., Cisco ISR4331/K9)
  • 3 x Cisco Switches (e.g., WS-C2960-24TT-L)
  • 4 x Laptops with Ethernet Interface Card
  • 2 x Servers with Ethernet interface
  • Console Cable
  • Ethernet Cable for connections between devices
  • Computer with Terminal emulation software e.g. PuTTY

IPv4 Address Table:

A. IPv4 Address Table:

Device NameInterface IDIP AddressSubnet-Mask

B. Hosts IP Address Table:

Device NameInterface IDIPv4 Address/Subnet-MaskDefault Gateway

List of Command Summary:

CommandCommand Description
enableenters privileged EXEC mode.
configure terminalenters global configuration mode from privileged EXEC mode.
hostname [hostname]assign a device name to router.
show interfaces statusprovides a summary of the current status of all interfaces on a Cisco switch. This command displays important information about each interface, including: Port: The interface identifier (e.g., Gi1/0/1). Name: The name or description assigned to the interface, if any. Status: The operational status of the interface (e.g., connected, notconnect, err-disabled). Vlan: The VLAN that the interface is assigned to. Duplex: The duplex mode of the interface (e.g., full, half, auto). Speed: The speed of the interface (e.g., 10, 100, 1000 Mbps, auto). Type: The type of interface (e.g., 10/100/1000BaseTX, SFP). This command is useful for quickly assessing the operational state and configuration details of all interfaces on the switch.  
ip address [IPv4] [Subnetmask]used to assign a specific IPv4 address and subnet mask to a network interface on a device such as a router or Layer 3 switch. This configuration allows the interface to participate in the specified IP network, enabling it to communicate with other devices in that network and perform routing functions.
ip route [Destination prefix] [Destination prefix mask] [Forwarding router’s address]used in Cisco IOS configuration mode on routers and Layer 3 switches to manually configure static routes. Command Description: Command: ip route [Destination prefix] [Destination prefix mask] [Forwarding router’s address] Purpose: This command configures a static route on the device, specifying how to reach a specific destination network or host. Usage: Used to define a route for traffic destined to a particular IP network or subnet. Parameters: [Destination prefix]: Specifies the destination network or host IP address in IPv4 format (e.g., [Destination prefix mask]: Specifies the subnet mask for the destination network (e.g., [Forwarding router’s address]: Specifies the next-hop IP address where packets should be forwarded to reach the destination network.  
show ip routeis used on Cisco routers and Layer 3 switches to display the current IP routing table. Here’s what this command provides and its significance: 1. Routing Table: The main purpose of show ip route is to show the IP routing table maintained by the device. This table contains information about networks and subnets that the device knows about and how to reach them. It includes entries for directly connected networks, routes learned dynamically through routing protocols (such as OSPF or EIGRP), and static routes configured manually. 2. Routing Information: Each entry in the routing table typically includes: a. Destination network or subnet (e.g., b. Next-hop IP address or exit interface to reach the destination c. Administrative distance (a metric used to determine the reliability of the route) d. Route type (e.g., connected, static, or learned via a routing protocol) e. Metric or cost associated with the route 3. Routing Decisions: The show ip route command helps network administrators troubleshoot connectivity issues and verify the routing paths configured on the device. By examining the routing table, administrators can determine how traffic will be forwarded based on destination IP addresses and make adjustments as needed. 4. Dynamic Updates: If routing protocols are enabled on the device, such as OSPF (Open Shortest Path First) or EIGRP (Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol), show ip route will display routes learned dynamically from neighboring routers participating in the same routing domain.
description “DESCRIPTION OF SOME SORT”used to assign a descriptive text label to a network interface on a device such as a router or switch. This description helps administrators to identify the purpose or details of the interface more easily when managing and troubleshooting the network.
show ip interface brief | include lanused on Cisco devices to display a summarized list of all IP interfaces configured on the device and filter the output to only show interfaces that contain the keyword “lan” in their configuration. This command is helpful for quickly identifying and troubleshooting interfaces related to LAN (Local Area Network) configurations within the device’s network environment
ipconfig /allused in Windows operating systems to display detailed information about all network interfaces and their configurations.
no shutdownenables an interface.
show running-configsave the running configuration to the startup-configuration file.
show running-config | section interface GigabitEthernet0/*used to display the configuration details of a specific GigabitEthernet interface (interface GigabitEthernet0/) within the running configuration of a Cisco device. This command allows you to view the configuration settings related to the specified interface only, filtering out other configuration sections. It provides a focused view of the configuration parameters associated with the specified interface, including its IP address, VLAN membership, trunking settings, and any other relevant configuration details. The asterisk (*) is a wildcard character that matches any character or sequence of characters. In this context, it is used to match any subinterface under GigabitEthernet0.
show running-config | section interface FastEthernet0/1$The “show running-config | section interface FastEthernet0/1$” command is similar to the previous one, but it focuses specifically on the FastEthernet0/1 interface. The “$” symbol at the end of the interface name indicates that the command will match only the interface that ends with “FastEthernet0/1”. This command is helpful when you want to view the configuration details of a specific FastEthernet interface without displaying configurations for other interfaces.
copy running-config startup-configused to save the currently running configuration (stored in the RAM) to the startup configuration (stored in the NVRAM)
endexit configuration mode.
exitexits one level in the menu structure command.

Lab Task:

  1. Ensure all interfaces connected to end devices are configured with the following:
    1. Appropriate VLAN
    2. Appropriate interface description
    3. Interface mode set to Access
  2. Branch1_R1 basic configuration:
    1. Configure interface GigabitEthernet0/1 with the appropriate IPv4 address, interface description, and enable the interface. This link connects to the Branch1_SW1 switch.
    2. Configure interface GigabitEthernet0/0/0 with the appropriate IPv4 address, interface description, and enable the interface. This link connects to the HQ_R1 router.
    3. Perform in-flight checks.
    4. Check local connectivity between PC1 and PC2 and the default gateway. Is the ping successful? If not, troubleshoot the problem.
  3. HQ_R1 basic configuration:
    1. Configure interface GigabitEthernet0/0 with the appropriate IPv4 address, interface description, and enable the interface. This link connects to the HQ_SW2 switch.
    2. Configure interface GigabitEthernet0/1 with the appropriate IPv4 address, interface description, and enable the interface. This link connects to the HQ_SW1 switch.
    3. Configure interface GigabitEthernet0/0/0 with the appropriate IPv4 address, interface description, and enable the interface. This link connects to the Branch1_R1 router.
    4. Configure interface GigabitEthernet0/1/0 with the appropriate IPv4 address, interface description, and enable the interface. This link connects to the ISP router.
    5. Perform in-flight checks.
    6. Ping Branch1_R1 from HQ_R1 using the IP address. Is the ping successful?
    7. Ping the ISP IPv4 address from HQ_R1. Is the ping successful?
    8. Check local connectivity between PC3 and PC4 and the default gateway. Is the ping successful? If not, troubleshoot the problem.
  4. On Branch1_R1, configure a static route for the network
  5. On Branch1_R1, configure a host static route for the IP address
  6. Initiate a ping as follow:
    1. From PC1 to PC3
    2. From PC1 to Internal_Server1
    3. From PC1 to Internal_Server2
  7. On HQ_R1, configure a static route for the network
  8. Initiate a ping as follow:
    1. From PC1 to PC3
    2. From PC1 to Internal_Server1
    3. From PC1 to Internal_Server2
  9. On Branch1_R1, configure a host static route for the IP address
  10. Initiate a ping from PC1 to Internal_Server2. The ping should be successful.
  11. On HQ_R1, configure a default route with the next-hop address set to the ISP IP address
  12. Display the routing table and examine the output.
  13. To reach those servers from the internet, you need to configure additional host static routes on Branch1_R1. Issue the appropriate commands to configure only host static routes for those two external servers.
  14. Initiate a ping from PC1, PC2, PC3, and PC4 to Server1 and Server2. If the pings are successful, save your configuration. If not, troubleshoot the issue and try again.

Lab Solution:

1- Ensure all interfaces connected to end devices are configured with the following:
a. Appropriate VLAN
b. Appropriate interface description
c. Interface mode set to Access

Issue this command to check all interfaces status:

To check VLAN assignment, you can issue this command “show vlan brief”

To check current config issue “show running-config”

To check interface layer 2 information, you can issue this command “show interface fa0/1 switchport”

To check that each interface is in the Forward state we can issue this command “show spanning-tree vlan 100”

Now that we configured PC3 and PC4 to be part of the same VLAN they should be able to ping each other:

You can repeat the same commands for the HQ_SW2 and Branch1_SW1 Switches

2- Branch1_R1 basic configuration:
a. Configure interface GigabitEthernet0/1 with the appropriate IPv4 address, interface description, and enable the interface. This link connects to the Branch1_SW1 switch.
b. Configure interface GigabitEthernet0/0/0 with the appropriate IPv4 address, interface description, and enable the interface. This link connects to the HQ_R1 router.

Branch1_R1#configure terminal
Branch1_R1(config)#interface gigabitEthernet 0/1
Branch1_R1(config-if)#description “Link to Branch1_SW1”
Branch1_R1(config-if)#ip address
Branch1_R1(config-if)#no shut
Branch1_R1(config)#interface gigabitEthernet 0/0/0
Branch1_R1(config-if)#description “Link to HQ_R1”
Branch1_R1(config-if)#ip address
Branch1_R1(config-if)#no shut

c. Perform in-flight checks.

We can see that interface gig 0/0/0 is in the UP/DOWN state because the link is shutdown from the other end. This will be resolved in the next task

d. Check local connectivity between PC1 and PC2 and the default gateway. Is the ping successful? If not, troubleshoot the problem.

Yes, you can see the ping is successful.

3- HQ_R1 basic configuration:
a. Configure interface GigabitEthernet0/0 with the appropriate IPv4 address, interface description, and enable the interface. This link connects to the HQ_SW2 switch.
b. Configure interface GigabitEthernet0/1 with the appropriate IPv4 address, interface description, and enable the interface. This link connects to the HQ_SW1 switch.
c. Configure interface GigabitEthernet0/0/0 with the appropriate IPv4 address, interface description, and enable the interface. This link connects to the Branch1_R1 router.
d. Configure interface GigabitEthernet0/1/0 with the appropriate IPv4 address, interface description, and enable the interface. This link connects to the ISP router.

HQ_R1#configure ter
HQ_R1#configure terminal
HQ_R1(config)#interface gigabitEthernet 0/0
HQ_R1(config-if)#description “Link to HQ_SW2”
HQ_R1(config-if)#ip address
HQ_R1(config-if)#no sh
HQ_R1(config-if)#interface gigabitEthernet 0/1
HQ_R1(config-if)#description “Link to HQ_SW1”
HQ_R1(config-if)#ip address
HQ_R1(config-if)#no sh
HQ_R1(config-if)#interface gig 0/0/0
HQ_R1(config-if)#description “Link to Branch1_Router1”
HQ_R1(config-if)#ip address
HQ_R1(config-if)#no sh
HQ_R1(config-if)#interface gig 0/1/0
HQ_R1(config-if)#description “Link to the ISP Router”
HQ_R1(config-if)#ip address
HQ_R1(config-if)#no shut

e. Perform in-flight checks.

f. Ping Branch1_R1 from HQ_R1 using the IP address. Is the ping successful?

Yes, it is successful.

  1. Ping the ISP IPv4 address from HQ_R1. Is the ping successful?

Yes, again it is successful.

h. Check local connectivity between PC3 and PC4 and the default gateway. Is the ping successful? If not, troubleshoot the problem.

Yes, the ping is successful.

4- On Branch1_R1, configure a static route for the network

On Branch1_R1:
Branch1_R1#configure terminal
Branch1_R1(config)#ip route

Let’s perform some in-flight checks:

You can see a new route has been implemented in the routing table of Branch1_R1 router as highlighted above

5- On Branch1_R1, configure a host static route for the IP address

On Branch1_R1:
Branch1_R1#configure terminal
Branch1_R1(config)#ip route

In-flight checks:

You can see a new route has been implemented in the routing table of Branch1_R1 router as highlighted above

6- Initiate a ping as follow:
a. From PC1 to PC3
b. From PC1 to Internal_Server1
c. From PC1 to Internal_Server2
Is the ping successful? Why?

Test 6.A and 6.B have failed because HQ_R1 doesn’t have a route to return the packet to PC1.

If we issue the “show ip route” command on HQ_R1, you will not be able to see PC1’s network listed. Therefore, HQ_R1 will not be able to forward the packet to Branch1_R1 and will drop the packet as a result.

Please note that when we tested the connectivity between PC1 and internal_server2 we received a reply “Destination host unreachable”, this is Brnach1_R1 doesn’t have a route to reach the network. In addition, HQ_R1 doesn’t have a route to return the traffic to network.

7- On HQ_R1, configure a static route for the network

HQ_R1#configure terminal
HQ_R1(config)#ip route

Now we can see a new static route has been implemented in the routing table of HQ_R1 router as highlighted below:

8- Initiate a ping as follow:
a. From PC1 to PC3
b. From PC1 to Internal_Server1
c. From PC1 to Internal_Server2
Is the ping successful? Why?

Ping from PC1 to PC3 and Internet_Server1 was successful however the ping from PC1 to Internet_Server2 still failed due to the fact that Branch1_R1 doesn’t have a clue how to get to the server.

9- On Branch1_R1, configure a host static route for the IP address

Branch1_R1#configure terminal
Branch1_R1(config)#ip route

We can see that there is a new entry in the routing table as shown above.

10- Initiate a ping from PC1 to Internal_Server2. The ping should be successful.

Yes it is successful since we installed a new host static route on Branch1_R1

11- On HQ_R1, configure a default route with the next-hop address set to the ISP IP address

HQ_R1#configure terminal
HQ_R1(config)#ip route

12- Display the routing table and examine the output.

13- To reach those servers from the internet, you need to configure additional host static routes on Branch1_R1. Issue the appropriate commands to configure only host static routes for those two external servers.

Branch1_R1#configure terminal
Branch1_R1(config)#ip route
Branch1_R1(config)#ip route

14- Initiate a ping from PC1, PC2, PC3, and PC4 to Server1 and Server2. If the pings are successful, save your configuration. If not, troubleshoot the issue and try again.


In this lab, you have successfully configured and verified IPv4 network and host routes on Cisco routers. You learned how to assign IP addresses to interfaces, create static routes, and verify them using various IOS commands. Understanding these concepts is essential for managing and troubleshooting network traffic effectively, ensuring that data is correctly routed between different networks and hosts. This foundational knowledge prepares you for more advanced routing protocols and configurations in your networking career.

Packet Tracer Lab (Pre/Post configuration):

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